1.I am writing to confirm/ enquire/inf orm you...我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你有关
2.I am writing to follow up on our earlierdecision on the marketing Campaign in Q2.
3. With reference to our telephoneconver sation today...
although it has been a long time, but i will never forget the gift which i received at my tenth birthday. the gift was a beautiful pencilbox and it was from my deskmate whom i broke up with for he destoryed my pencilbox. we didn't talk with each other for a week.after i removed the pencilbox, a letter jumped into my sight. my deskmate expressed his sense of guilt on the letter. after finishing reading, i was deeply moved. i considered my deskmate as my best friend. the pencilbox now is well kept in my drawer and i will keep if forever.103个单词自己写的,不懂得可以问,如果觉得长,可以删掉一点。